Thursday, 9 August 2012

Some Ruins

I wanted to make some ancient ruins to use as "rough ground" for our 28mm Impetus games, I also wanted them to be generic enough to cross over into a few different periods. I've been thinking about how to go about doing it for some time now, should I start from scratch or maybe cast up some bits and pices in Hydrocal first ? Procrastination took hold and nothing was ever going to happen soon........then I saw some Amera plastic scenery on one of the local shops web sites..........ahhh perfect !..... and easy !

First I cut them out and stuck them onto some 3mm MDF, also adding a few extras such as modelling ballast, sand and rocks etc

Left to dry overnight, they were undercoated in white Gesso and painted with craft paint a very pale cork colour, almost a pale flesh. Once dry I used ( wait for it...... ) Army Painter dip ! I've had a tin for sometime that a friend gave me, who also had it for sometime..... no idea what I was going to use it for, TILL NOW. So I slapped it on. 

Fantastic !

Left to dry overnight again, I then knocked back the shine with some matt varnish and added some flock and a few tufts of grass .............. done ! Not bad..... and quick.


  1. WOW, you've bought theses vac form pieces to life Richard and some clever solutions. Well done ol'boy, well done.

    I looked at those on the site and wasn't sure on the best way to get the best out of them, next order.

  2. Really nice transformation! Looking forward to seeing them in an AAR.

  3. Yes I'm in a little shock as to how well these turned out. Vac form stuff normally doesn't do it for me, but these did come out OK.

  4. Very interesting post, comments and photos are very your blog, I'll come back, great work!

    1. Thanks Phil, glad you enjoyed this little project.

  5. These are great! Got the link from TMP . Any chance you'd let us share our facebook page at people love to see what can be done with our products, and think this blog will inspire! Jane from Amera

  6. Hope Ok to post again, asking if we can share your blog, I know there is a facebook share button but prefer to get permission first. Apologies for public contact and hope to hear from you regards Jane from Amera

    1. Yes Jane please feel free to share this on your Facebook page, not a problem at all. I'm very fond of Amera products.
